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Demo crazy.

Haram join bersih..


Dilantik menjadi Tuhan.


A few months back, there was a leak of internal documents from George Soros's Open Society Foundation in the website by the hackers activist group DC Leaks. DC Leaks is also the same organization that hacked and leaked all those Hillary Clinton emails currently in the news and now currently being investigated by FBI. Much references to Malaysia and the "Malaysia Program" are in these documents. This particular document caught my eye as this review of George Soros activities towards "free and fair" elections in Malaysia confirms funding by George Soros to BERSIH, Merdeka Center and MalaysiaKini. The document also says George Soros has a personal interest in Malaysia while it suggest that they want opposition to win but do no want to be too blatant to show that. It says that the OSF started working on the General Elections in 2010 in anticipation that the elections would be announced in 2011, two years after Prime Minister Najib replaced Ahmad Badawi.


*SEMUA ORANG PASTI MATI.....* Di kwsn perkuburan, Seorang doktor sdg menangis di depan pusara yg tanahnya masih merah2. Uniknya di pusara itu terletak batu nisan berbentuk *HATI*yg cukup besar, serta nampak sangat jelas,walau dari jauh. Ustadz : "Sudah la.. reda aje, jgn terus menangis..." Doktor : "Ustadz, bagaimana saya tidak sedih. Bagaimana kalau saya yg mati?" Ustadz : "Semua orang pasti mati, kan !" Doktor : "Ya !!Begini Ustadz, yg mati ini teman saya. Kami para kumpulan Doktor Specialist sudah sepakat, siapa saja di antara kami yg mati, maka akan dibuatkan batu nisan dengan gambar sesuai dlm bidang specialist kami" Ustadz : "Ooo gitu... teman doktor yg mati ini specialist apa?" Doktor : "Dia specialist HATI, makanya batu nisan dia berbentuk hati." Ustadz : "Lalu apa yg membuat Doktor begitu khuatir?" Doktor : " kalau saya mati, tak dpt dibayangkan batu nisan yg akan dibuat untu

Surat Al Baqara kamila Saad Al Ghamidi سورة البقرة كاملة سعد الغامدي

Sura Al Bakara Baqara Full Version -Sheikh Mishari Rasid Alafasy New 2011

7x Fatiha, 7x Ayat Kursi, 7x Ihlas, Falak, Nas | SiHR, MAGiC, JiNN, Evil...




Franck Pourcel - Grandes éxitos 1
